Wave Consulting

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We won some awards!

Recently our water contribution to some landscape plans won some awards.

We worked with the City of Melbourne on the Moonee Ponds Strategic Opportunities Plan, and City of Knox on the Lewis Park Masterplan. Both were led by McGregor Coxall, landscape architects, who were savvy enough to put in award applications to AILA.

The Moonee Ponds Strategic Opportunities Plan won a Victorian and National AILA award. The Lewis Park Masterplan won a Victorian award.

Vic award – Lewis Park https://aila.awardsplatform.com/gallery/rnolaxNy/qjpNpGod?search=8b4678d6f44b722d-16

Vic award – Moonee Ponds https://aila.awardsplatform.com/gallery/rnolaxNy/qjpNpGod?search=8b4678d6f44b722d-16

Aust award – Moonee Ponds https://aila.awardsplatform.com/gallery/xDMAkbDz/goBOkMXY?search=fe703e215eea632b-60