Browse some of the recently published articles and reports by Wave Consulting Australia.
Rob Catchlove, Susan van de Meene and Sam Phillips, 2018. Capacity building for WSUD Implementation. In Ashok K. Sharma, Ted Gardner and Don Begbie (2018) “Approaches to Water Sensitive Urban Design - Potential, Design, Ecological Health, Urban Greening, Economics, Policies, and Community Perceptions”.
N Obeid and R Catchlove, 2019. Alternative water supply for drought proofing Casey’s recreational reserves. National Water Recycling & Reuse Technology 2019 Conference, Melbourne.
R Catchlove (2018). Big data analytics … MUSIC and its potential to solve asset design and spatial urban water problems. Presentation to National eWater Conference, Canberra.
R Catchlove (2015). Driving down the cost of WSUD: Case study of Dobson’s Creek. Stormwater Victoria State Conference.
R Catchlove, L Duncan, E Phillips, S Van de Meene (2012). Insights for future capacity building: reflections on a study tour for water sensitive cities and the value of experiential learning. Water: Journal of the Australian Water Association 39 (1), 42
R Catchlove, J Ewert (2012). Liveability and water: Moving from visions and principles to the suburbs. WSUD 2012: Water sensitive urban design; Building the water sensitive.
JF Lewis, R Catchlove, T Prosser (2012). Dobson's creek DCI retrofit project; testing new models of Inter-agency collaboration. WSUD 2012: Water sensitive urban design.
S Eggleton, R Catchlove, PJ Morison (2012). Assessing and responding to local government's capacity to deliver sustainable stormwater management. WSUD 2012: Water sensitive urban design.
R Catchlove, AK Milenkovic, S Rosskaresh, H Brown (2010). Raingardens or Rainwater Tanks Community’s Willingness to Install and Effectiveness in Achieving Regional Change. National Conference of The Stormwater Industry Association.
R Catchlove, M Francey (2007). Hotspots-a methodology for identifying, prioritising and tackling litter in urban environments. Rainwater and Urban Design 2007.
R Catchlove, S Lloyd, B Armstrong, J Castle, S Bright (2007). Why a community engagement framework is fundamental for healthy waterways. Rainwater and Urban Design 2007, 140
J Elliott, R Catchlove, S Sooriyakumaran, R Thompson (2005). Recent advances in the development of flood forecasting and warning services in Australia. International conference on innovation, advances and implementation of flood forecasting.
R Catchlove, C Leahy, A Seed, T Malone (2005). An investigation into the use of REAL-TIME radar rainfall and comparison with point gauge estimates for flood forecasting. 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium.
A Baker, P Rasmussen, K Parkyn, R Catchlove, E Kazazic (2005). A case study of the December 2003 Melbourne storm: the meteorology, rainfall intensity, and impacts of flash flooding. 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: Water Capital, 20-23 February.
R Catchlove, C Leahy, A Seed, T Malone (2005). An investigation into the use of real-time radar rainfall and comparison with point gauge estimates for flood forecasting. 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: Water Capital, 20-23 February ...
R Catchlove, S Sooriyakumaran, J Elliott (2005). From research to operations-a case study based on the provision of the Bureau's Flood Warning Service. Hydrometeorological Applications of Weather and Climate Modelling, BMRC.
R Catchlove, JE Ball (2003). A hydroinformatic approach to the development of areal reduction factors. 28th International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: About Water.
Good ideas for a Water Sensitive City (2009). Download Good Ideas for a Water Sensitive City report [PDF 2.9MB].
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