forecast WSUD asset budget planning: Brimbank CITY council

Case study: Forecasting for cost of maintenance of WSUD assets to deliver benefits to community

Wave Consulting Australia collaborated with Brimbank City Council to develop a comprehensive Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) asset forecast plan. This encompassed the 245 existing WSUD assets recorded in their asset management database.

  • Forecasting WSUD budget

  • Wurundjeri lands, Melbourne

Key facts


Brimbank City Council will continue to design, build and maintain WSUD assets

Maintenance cost of a WSUD asset varies from $100 to $5000 per visit, depending the area, location, and complexity of the asset.


The problem

Brimbank City Council has 245 WSUD assets, which includes rain gardens, tree pits, wetlands, swales and rainwater tanks. But it has been difficult to maintain to date.

Without appropriate maintenance, these assets tend to reduce in performance due to factors such as:

  • sedimentation

  • reduced vegetation coverage

  • compaction.

As a result, Brimbank required a thorough asset management plan.

Infographic showing a scatter graph, a  network model and bar chart.

The solution

Modelling costs to maintain WSUD assets

Wave Consulting Australia undertook a thorough modelling exercise of the costs to maintain WSUD assets, by factoring in the age, condition (based on a past audit) and in some instances results from hydraulic conductivity testing.

Extensive financial modelling determined that the cost to maintain the assets over the next 10 years (including rectifications and renewals) would rise to over $500,000 a year.

But this would deliver significant benefits to the community and environment.


The outcome

The WSUD budget forecast plan produced by Wave provided Brimbank City Council with expert modelling that effectively prioritised and estimated budgets necessary to enhance and maintain asset conditions, whilst supporting a robust waterway strategy.


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